The renowned Arab singer, Hany Shaker, is preparing to perform a special concert in Lebanon to celebrate New Year’s Eve, as part of the series of star-studded concerts taking place across the Arab world. During the event, Hany Shaker will present a selection of his most popular old and new songs, which are sure to engage the audience. Some of the songs he will perform include: “Ya Aghla Ism Fi El Wogoud,” “Bahibak Ya Ghali,” “Han’eesh,” “Kol Leila,” “Mehtajlik Ya Omri,” “Lama Rah El Sabr Menno,” “Mesh Ba’ateb Aleik,” “Enta El Sabab,” “Dawet Farah,” “Wa’ad Menni,” “Resala Men Taht El-Ma’a,” “Mat’haddish,” “Meshtereki,” “Ma’ak Tahlou El Dounia,” “Saltek,” “Lissa Betes’aly,” “Ala El-Dhahkaya,” and “Ana Albi Leek.”