Talk of the return of the “Shi. An. An.” team has resurfaced after producer Tarek Karam, owner of Rooftop Productions, posted a photo with Abbas Jafar, Junaid Zain El-Din, and Salam Al-Zaatari. It seems that these stars will reunite for a new TV project set to air on MTV, produced by Karam, although it won’t be a new version of the original “Shi. An. An.” program that aired previously.
The “Shi. An. An.” show, which aired in 2013 on “Al Jadeed” channel, was a major turning point for many of the actors who presented one of the most prominent satirical comedy programs. The show featured stars like Fouad Yamine, Abdel Rahim Al-Aouji, Abbas Jafar, Junaid Zain El-Din, and Salam Al-Zaatari. However, after a short time, the team moved to LBCI before eventually going their separate ways, with each member pursuing their own career in acting, presenting, or theater.
Now, it appears that several of the “Shi. An. An.” stars are set to work together again on a new project, expected to air after Ramadan on MTV. Information suggests that Nasser Faqih will direct the new program, and a well-known female personality is expected to join the project to complete the team. More details about the segments and topics the program will cover will be announced later.