Sameeh Nan
Editor in Chief(English)
People always remind me of who I was as “in every mistake
I’ve ever made”, even the mistakes were bad choices but for good reasons but our mistakes have value if we learn from them.
A mistake or bad choice of behavior or action in your past does not define who you are. Mistakes are not failures, they are life’s lessons. Some have big consequences and some have small consequences.
But one thing that seems in my experience to be 100% true is that when you decide to put the past in its place behind you in a vault only to be opened for lesson reviews, many people will pop up reminding you of your past mistakes and defining who you are by them.
You know, what you need to do is put them in your past with your mistakes and continue on and be the best you can be by being true to yourself, using mistakes and poor choices as life lessons that made you a better You.