Egyptian actress Nabilla Obaid commented on the recent criticisms directed at some female celebrities due to their outfits at film festivals, emphasizing that she makes sure to wear what suits her age to avoid hurtful social media comments. Referring to actress Nadia El Gendy’s outfit—a revealing dress showing her belly and exposing skin sagging at the “Joy Awards” in Saudi Arabia—Obaid said, “I wear what suits my age, and this protects me from social media comments that could hurt me. Before any event, I make sure to decide what to wear so I’m not caught off guard.”
In previous statements, Nabilla Obaid expressed her happiness in presenting works that focus on issues concerning Egyptian women, highlighting these as important topics that cinema has addressed and offered solutions for. She also spoke about her upcoming Saudi series, mentioning that it is not connected to the Ramadan competition and is still in the writing phase. She assured that the story would be different, hoping that the audience would enjoy it when it is released.