Lebanese actress Pamela El Kik revealed the reason behind her recent appearances at various events wearing unique outfits and a head covering. In an interview with “ET Bil Arabi,” Pamela explained that while some artists may struggle with ideas, she enjoys letting her imagination run free to present herself in a different way.
Pamela added, “My imagination is always active. The core principle of art is the message, and today we are influencing the world. When I attend a certain event, I make sure my clothes reflect the occasion. Right now, I have a new series, and I can’t reveal my hair color, so I coordinate with the fashion designer to cover my hair until the show is aired.”
Pamela had previously sparked controversy at the “Murex d’Or” awards when she appeared wearing a mask, which led to many questioning the reason behind her choice of look.
Commenting on her appearance, Pamela said, “I was criticized a lot, whether I spoke or stayed silent. But the silence had a bigger impact. The love, anticipation, and enjoyment I received were even louder. I felt so much love, and I thank everyone without exception. I apologize from my heart to the press who I didn’t give a word to yesterday, but the silence, thank God, had an effect. Everything that comes from the heart must eventually touch the heart. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of this idea, which was more than just an idea — it was a moment of ‘dropping the mask.'”